Culture and Well-Being at work: The role of person-organization adjustment in an experimental study

  • Ana Pepe
  • Cristina de Sousa Universidade Atlântica
  • Sónia P. Gonçalves Instituto Politécnico de Tomar


With the growing importance of working life it is necessary to study the variables to improve individual work and business. Adopting an experimental design, handling four cultural orientations and a sample of 150 employees of a multinational company, this study was designed in order to explore the impact of organizational culture on labor well-being (affective and cognitive), the impact of person-organization fit in the well-being and how the relationship between organizational culture and well-being is moderated by person-organization fit. Although the results did not revealed significant interaction effects, cultures of support and innovation promote comfort, enthusiasm, general emotional well-being and job satisfaction of individuals, unlike the cultures of rules and objectives.
As for the adjustment, the results showed that the higher the adjustment levels of person-organization, the greater comfort, enthusiasm, general well-being and satisfaction will be.


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How to Cite
PEPE, Ana; DE SOUSA, Cristina; GONÇALVES, Sónia P.. Culture and Well-Being at work: The role of person-organization adjustment in an experimental study. Superavit, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 33-48, nov. 2017. ISSN 1646-480X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 oct. 2024. doi:

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