Historical-Cultural Heritage as a development factor of tourism at local level: Oliveira do Hospital

  • Manuel Salgado Universidade de Aveiro
  • Cláudia Carvalho Escola Profissional de Oliveira do Hospital
  • Elsa Ramos IGOT, Universidade de Lisboa


The study aims to interpret the importance of the historical and cultural heritage on political and strategy of tourism development at local level, in this case applied to the municipality of Oliveira do Hospital. There exists a vast and diverse heritage, which has been preserved, so we consider suitable their valorization and promotion through the assumption of the product cultural and landscape touring as the anchor factor of tourism development for this municipality. It has been developed an active policy in the field of preservation of culture and heritage valorization, but it may strengthen this public action to reconcile this tourism attraction offer with the entertainment activities and consequently the promotion of tourist attractiveness of the territory of the municipality in a period in which the accommodation capacity installed is greatly increased due to the opening of new tourist accommodation units.


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How to Cite
SALGADO, Manuel; CARVALHO, Cláudia; RAMOS, Elsa. Historical-Cultural Heritage as a development factor of tourism at local level: Oliveira do Hospital. Superavit, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 77-87, oct. 2017. ISSN 1646-480X. Available at: <http://superavit.ipt.pt/index.php/superavit/article/view/25>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.26358/srgivol2ar25.