Organizational Change

A Theoretical Perspective

  • Maria Alexandra Carvalho Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • Silvio Silvio Brito Instituto Politécnico de Tomar


We live in a turbulent era, in this sense, one the most organizational studies question is the Change analysis, and one of the difficulties resides what is meant by organizational change. Given the trends of globalization, increasingly competitive and committed to the countries geopolitical and geo strategy, people relationships and their instruments and working procedures, must pass undoubtedly by this perspective we want to give, without academic pretensions or otherwise.


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How to Cite
CARVALHO, Maria Alexandra; BRITO, Silvio Silvio. Organizational Change. Superavit, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 89-99, nov. 2017. ISSN 1646-480X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: