Training at Instituto Politécnico de Tomar: Skill alignment to respond to the Industry 4.0 challenges
For some, the fourth Industrial revolution began and it was necessary to create new guidelines and objectives for the different sectors. Higher Education has specific measures to promote its performance in this new phase of the Industrial Age. Taking the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar as a case study, this article describes the beginning of a project where it is intended to carry out an analysis of the training courses, to verify the alignment with the measures of Industry 4.0, indicating ways to overcome possible divergences.
›› Governo Português (2016). Indústria 4.0 | Estratégia Nacional para a Digitalização da Economia. Consultado em 10 de março de 2017.
›› Instituto Politécnico de Tomar. Consultado em 10 de março de 2017.
›› Roland Berger Consultants (2014). Indústria 4.0 - A nova revolução industrial da Europa. Jornal de Negócios de 13 de julho de 2014.

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