Hackathon Management using good practices of the PMBOK guide
In this scientific article we intend to explain what was planned and developed for the event to be held, the CityHack, which aims to promote the design and implementation of solutions for cities. Among several methodologies or processes for monitoring projects, the PMBOK was chosen because it was thought to be the most appropriate. This work presents an analysis to the PMBOK and with this to evaluate its effectiveness and utility in the realization of the CityHack event. It is intended to know if the PMBOK really was the right choice. And that can be applied and support other types of events. So far this guide to good practices has been used and it can be concluded that it helps effectively in the planning of the activities related to the event. More significant conclusions are expected after the event. In the future we intend to continue to comply with the planning, which is very important for Cityhack.
›› OBS. Lab. (11 de Outubro de 2016). Farfetch lança hackathon para premiar ideias inovadoras. Consultado a 14 de março de 2017. http://observador.pt/2016/10/11/farfetch-lanca-hackathon-para-premiar-ideias-inovadoras/
›› Pogaþara, Kaja & Žižekb, Andrej (2016). Urban Hackathon – Alternative Information Based and Participatory Approach to Urban Development. Procedia Engineering. 3
›› William R. Duncan (1996). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute. Pensylvania, USA.
›› Eduardo, Paulo (2011). PMBOK: Grupo de Processos de Iniciação. Consultado a 12 de março de 2017. http://www.pauloeduardo.com/
›› Marcio d’Avila, PMBOK e Gerenciamento de Projetos.

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