The use of information and communication technologies in the management of clinical products. The Implementation of Advanced Warehouses in a Portuguese hospital center

  • Marta Canha
  • Célio Gonçalo Marques
  • Rúben Loureiro


The introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) within health
systems in their different dimensions and levels of action has potential benefits for citizens
and service providers. It promotes health care efficiency, economic efficiency and control
of public spending. There are different requirements for each method, and it is necessary for
each hospital to determine if the method used is the best for your particular case. Improved
management requires a commitment on the part of logistics and care providers. Interconnection,
information and communication between the parties is central to being able to act
effectively and efficiently in health. The objective of this work is to analyze the management
of clinical products after the implementation of advanced warehouses in a hospital center.


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How to Cite
CANHA, Marta; MARQUES, Célio Gonçalo; LOUREIRO, Rúben. The use of information and communication technologies in the management of clinical products. The Implementation of Advanced Warehouses in a Portuguese hospital center. Superavit, [S.l.], v. 3, p. 103-112, apr. 2018. ISSN 1646-480X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 oct. 2024. doi:

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